Monday, January 11, 2010

Norelco Manual Does Anyone Know How To Work The Cleaning System Of The Norelco 9170xl Electric Razor?

Does anyone know how to work the cleaning system of the Norelco 9170xl electric razor? - norelco manual

I'm here for my friend, the severe cerebral cereblal, and the knife works great, "But if we are wrong about the knife into the cleaning system and press the lever, nothing happens. When you disconnect and reconnect it a low hum and a knife at a fraction of an inch, and immediately shot back immediately, without even touching on the cleaning solution. We filled the entire bottle of solution for the manual. By pressing the "ON / OFF" does nothing, and neither the "burden" or "cleaning Screen lights up. I have the instructions again and again, but maybe I am a little misinterpreted. I called Norelco, said regarding the factory and studied so that they can return to hope for it in six weeks away: (., its own by the majority of their masters, and we can say that I'm wrong please?.


treasure... said...

When the lever is pushed down, and press the On / Off button and nothing happens, it's better than sending them away. I have a razor to clean and works well. The only thing to consider is, if placed in the holder the right track. In the mine behind the razor is in contradiction to the position. Good luck.

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