Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Breast Pump Torture Where Can I Find Medela Breast Pump In Style For A Good Prize?

Where can i find medela breast pump in style for a good prize? - breast pump torture

i on 2 May for a week and I intend to breastfeed and work, can someone tell me where can I find Medell pump style with a fair price?
and when should I buy? after the birth? or before? and when can I use it? immediately from 1 days / week or 1 month.


Sharon D said...

I actaully I have an extra pump if you send me an e-mail to city and want.

I have to be a hand pump in the hospital, and used immediately. I want an electric pump from the beginning. I was so crowded when my milk came, I had the bomb, only a few relieft.

I read that you can begin any time you want to pump, because it increases the production of milk contribute. pumping my doctor at the hospital before leaving. If you do, you'd probably want to make baby nurse first one, and allows the child as much as you want, then after the bombing.

You can always ask your doctor if you think you should start. I did it because my daughter had jaundice, poor condition and needs to ensure that it has been quite so complete and will be pumped to get my milk, and once was, I could give a bottle instead of formula milk.

just a thought... said...

I do not think they give away prices, but generally good prices Drugstore.com. =)

http://www.drugstore.com/templates/brows ...

It is nice to have when the baby is born, because if the milk comes, you veru busy, so that the chest very hard. This may make it difficult for the baby to latch, so that you can not breast pump soft (too much, or her breasts produce more milk pump, then you will have more engorgment). You should have a bottle of milk from 4 weeks, the earliest date. Some people say wait until 6 weeks.

Cassy said...

If you get WIC you can get a free breast pump. Breast pumps are very spendy almost everywhere as the eye. http://www.breastpumpsdirect.com/Medela_ ... heres a page with which even Madela

Brayden's Mommie 6/08 said...

I am pleased with the right decision to be confused? Likewise, if the pump is not necessary, it will be determined by several factors, you now get a nurse to help and give to leave the hospital!

mommy of 2 said...

Frankly, it would wait until I am sure they will be able to breastfeed because I bought the Medela brstpump shopping around for good prices, and find the best deal in the maternity-$ 250 or less; I washed everything and ready to just go to complicatons and can not breastfeed, so I had this expensive bomb unnecessary. I will wait and make sure they are able to breastfeed in the first place, used only when necessary so that after the milk has up to a point in time depends only on its agenda. Good Luck

kittymif... said...

Got mine from eBay. I started on 6 Day because of my breast was so congested that my baby does not latch on. Most people agree that you, until breastfeeding is well established that, while some have to wait 4-6 weeks does not affect your milk supply.
Congratulations and good luck!

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