Saturday, January 30, 2010

Shaving Her Knees How Do You Shave Your Knees Without Getting Cuts?

How do you shave your knees without getting cuts? - shaving her knees

I tried to shave for the first time yesterday and it went well, except that I have some really bad cuts on my knees, I [again today and same result.


→รยקєгรt... said...

I hate it when that happens! Usually the next Razor shave are (if applicable).

Leftyyy said...

Normally I get up. straighten my knees to her not only angels. Can I shave. I have the same on the back of the knee.

Devyn said...

I bend the knee, such as the skin is firm and shaving the side (horizontally) on my knee. To avoid cuts that, in general.

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