Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sore Throat And Blood Blister Throat Question?

Throat Question? - sore throat and blood blister

I am a smoker and just the other day, I coughed a bubble seems to be rare appearance on the back of the throat and my throat hurts like hell, is this type of cancer, the cause honestly looked like a small blood blister, and I had a bit of blood with a little saliva to spit mixed, and gone a little bleeding, but wonder if I should go, or if it's just a sore throat, which was very cool when he slept the other night in a very surprised if They have something to do with it. I need help! Thanks


sanambro... said...

If you still smoke, why do you care for your health?

Ms. Lise said...

Honey, the truth is not like cancer, like anything else that sounds like you need to go get tested too.

angel74 said...

I do not think that maybe you acknowledge that you have a pair of glasses neck with warm water and salt to relieve the pain ..

angel74 said...

I do not think that maybe you acknowledge that you have a pair of glasses neck with warm water and salt to relieve the pain ..

Anonymous said...

The only way to know is that a doctor to get a preform in the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Could it be that inhalation before the fire was in the vicinity of the filter and the smoke inhaled was hot enough to blister the sensitive parts of the esophagus.

Think about what you eat spices or hot temperatures? There are too many ifs and could be, but cancer?

You see, when you read are worried, please tell your doctor, that is what I went to school. To stay healthy in order to pay your student loans:)

Liz P said...

I personally think that if you vomit blood at any moment ... We definitely should be checked out.

Tigger said...

I can not say whether it is cancer or not. But this is suspicious.

Uncle Heinrich the Great said...

If it were up to me, at least I call my doctor and see what he said. Coughing up blood, no doubt, a sign of cancer. It is a sure sign, but a symptom of a larger problem. Better safe than sorry.

fifty said...

Take the lamp with your doctor so that he can do a biopsy.

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