Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fix An Irregular Cycle How To Fix An Irregular Cycle Without Birth Control?

How to fix an irregular cycle without birth control? - fix an irregular cycle

If I'm not on the pill my cycles are very irregular. I would like to govern without being on birth control because I am trying to understand. Is there anything a doctor I can, we will make it?


JJ said...

Well, the pill does not deal with regular cycles, cycles that suppresses periods in which the forces of a trend is to offer the pill is often used as a quick fix instead of running tests or treatment options so that the pill can mask major problems, even prevent you from using the development of fertility assessment cycle. Thus, the first things to ensure your doctor for initial testing in order that the cause for irregular periods, also keep in mind because it was the removal cycles of the pill once before, it is normal for irregular until after one year the use of the pill as your body fights back to a natural cycle.

I recommend also something of a fertility awareness method (FAM) FAM used as an aid in the design, because it helps you determine your fertile days - even if it is uneven and is this is a tremendous help! - But also the other advantage is that it explain why your period could be irregular. This is advantageous because it be in a position, why they so irregular and fertility explain, because ProProblems, long before the doctor could not eat, with long, costly and invasive tests that give more control over their bodies and their health.

Take evening primrose oil or black cohosh capsules per day to help regulate hormones, they can in most supermarkets and shops, without the health to be bought too dear. If you suffer from cramps during menstruation also try sage, it is an oil massage in your stomach, you can buy in shops and health. And the work better and faster than analgesics include the production of estrogen and supported acts on the pituitary gland to help regulate menstruation.

As a hippie-ish as it sounds, I still have a gynecologist who do not meet with emotional problems related to menstruation, so that there is something to note. The psyche can have a profound effect on menstrual cycle when you have to do the problems in your life with them and see their attitude toward menstruation, learning rules can have an enormous impact on health. Menstrual disorders are often exacerbatedrBAT internalize, if there are conflicting signals from society about the person's body, menstruation and sexuality.

Good food, of course, also contribute to a good book on menstrual cycle and the power, to information on foods that give their menstrual health. Together with this with other methods of plant, did not look so much to regulate the time, but also contribute to fertility better to design to take a look through this site to start (very useful for fertility and menstrual problems) - http : / / www.

righlee1... said...

Without birth control, natural cycles are irregular. There's really nothing to do, but I want to talk to your doctor.

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