Thursday, February 4, 2010

Index Of Wet A Person Notices A Mild Shock If The Current Along A Path Through The Thumb And Index Finger Exceeds 78 µA.?

A person notices a mild shock if the current along a path through the thumb and index finger exceeds 78 µA.? - index of wet

Compare the maximum voltage possible without conflict between the thumb and index finger with a resistance of dry skin 4.0 105 and a resistance of 2500 wet skin. wet skin? Dry skin?


death said...

I think the formula for this is V = IR, the voltage = current * resistance.

So, for dry, close the values that you know, V = (78 uA) * (4.0105) = 0.000312819 = 3.12819e-4. (Remember to put microampere amplifiers.)

For a moist skin to do the same, only the resistance of wet skin. V = IR = (78 uA) * (2500) = 0.195. (Remember to convert the bus.)

This means that wet skin has a higher maximum voltage May dry skin.

Steve said...

Vw = i * Ω = 78E-6 * 2500 = 195 V

Vd = 78E-6 * 4E5 = 31.2V

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